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Karen Swyler's Style

  • Uses small concentrations of muted colors, light colors, or leaves her work unglazed

  • Creates fluid forms that are frequently paired together to show their reationships

  • Draws subtle lines between her pieces

  • Carves out the tops of her work

  • Creates negative space

Why did I choose Karen Swyler ?

The simplicity but detailed ceramics of Karen Swyler caught my attention because I like the muted colors and the way she creates negative space. Her pieces are so unique that this inspired my design to create a simple yet functional piece, that when looked at closely will draw people’s attention.

My Artistic Touch

When you look at my piece you see a mug, but when you take the time and look at it more closely you will see that there is a divider inside. The divider separates the sides into two equal sections. My mug is more functional then sculptural. I kept one side of the mug in a muted color but contrasted the other side with black. A white color was used to highlight the divider. I used a tape technique to provide a sharp, straight line to divide the two colors so that they would not blend.

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